Conference & Exhibition

Day 1 | Online
17th September

Day 2 | The Vox, Birmingham
18th September
Day 1 | Online
17th September
Day 2 | The Vox, Birmingham
18th September
Topics to be covered:
1. How do you innovate while also being sustainable
2. Challenges and opportunities of net zero
Topics to be covered:
1. Inclusion and wellbeing - creating the right behaviours, inclusive design
2. People-focused change - playbooks in use to support individuals and teams
3 .How asks for help from staff have changed - listening and adapting your offer
Topics to be covered:
1. Being a role model - the challenges
2. Trusting your people through outcomes based leadership - how to influence leaders
3. New leadership skills in a smarter working world - the impact of good leadership
4. Helping your leader to be a better leader - smarter working tools
Topics to be covered:
1. Building and sustaining a vibrant smarter working community
2. Cross-government change managers and CI network
Topics to be covered:
1. Involving people in the change process - designing together and keeping momentum
2. Sustaining smarter working for the long term - beyond PAS3000
Topics to be covered:
Our 2023 shortlisted project 'Harnessing Systrack Data to Protect Government Assets'
DWP Smarter & Remote working benefits and managing the risks to keep data protected.
Utilising digital user experience and device performance data for data-backed decision making.
DWP's future plans to harness the value of data
Topics to be covered:
Our 2023 shortlisted project ‘Harnessing Systrack Data to Protect Government Assets’
DWP Smarter & Remote working benefits, and the not so obvious data & security risks.
Identifying where DWP data is, how it’s being put at risk and the methods to address those risks.
Collecting digital user experience data and device performance data and making this available for analysis on enterprise experience and performance.
DWP’s future plans to harness the value of data
Topics to be covered:
1. Regional pride and connections
2. Collective sense of ownership in the workplace
3. Recognising the right behaviours
Essential Tools in Mastering The Hybrid Workplace.
Preview the impact new technologies, borderless collaboration, customer experience, and the adoption of automation will have on Public Sector organisations in 2023 and beyond.
Topics to be covered:
1. Inclusive design - allowing everyone to enjoy the benefits of a great place to work
2. Showcase recent projects with user centred design
3. How to measure and improve user experiences
Introducing Microsoft Places + Microsoft Viva, optimise your workspaces with connected workplaces and turn your spaces into places.
The ‘future of work’ necessitates a new approach, one that helps people connect to meeting spaces and to one another in considerably more dynamic and engaging ways.
Topics to be covered:
1. How tech enables great workspaces
2. Interoperability
Digital Transformation with Adobe and integration with Microsoft Teams, Salesforce, SAP and Service Now
A Bytes technology masterclass showcasing the art of the possible.
Settle yourselves in and get ready to take part in the Smarter Working Live 2023 virtual conference.
Dominic Brankin (Workplace Services Director, GPA) and Jeremey Edwards (Head of Solutions & Technology, Bytes Software Services) will open the event and review what's in store for the day ahead.
Attendees will also get a chance to review and vote on some of the audience led agenda items for the event so make sure you attend this part of the event to have your say.
Join us for an hour of fast paced innovation and action led learning. We will be hacking one of the smarter working pillars (People and Culture, Leadership, Technology or workplace) as chosen by you.
What to expect:
You'll have the chance to get under the skin of what the challenges are of the hack topic and what we as a community can do about this.
What format will the hackathon take:
You'll be given an introduction into the chosen topic to hack and how this will be done. You’ll then be assigned to a smaller virtual breakout group made up of your fellow conference attendees. Your group facilitator will talk you through the hack process where you and your group will identify the issue and possible actions that can tackle it.
What do I need to do?
Put simply, take part! You will get a lot out of the hackathon if you are an active participant. So you need to be willing to contribute your knowledge and experience to help drive the discussion forward.
The theme of this panel discussion is 'returning to workspaces, what are we learning' but the exact question they will respond to will be chosen by conference attendees. In an ‘unconference’ format our experts on workplace experience are primed and ready to share their experience, knowledge and advice on current workplace experiences.
The theme of this panel discussion is 'does anyone know what the future of work will be' but the exact question they will respond to will be chosen by conference attendees. In an ‘unconference’ format our experts on workplace experience are primed and ready to share their experience, knowledge and advice on this horizon scanning topic.
* Timings and agenda is subject to change *
We used to work at the office. Now we work in a thousand offices. Each one is different. Delivering a consistent, optimal employee experience in all these different environments will be the defining organizational challenge for businesses this decade.
Organizations rushed to adapt to the limitations of home networks and bandwidth, not to mention a spike in help desk requests and infrastructure that sits out of the control of IT.
So how do we overcome these new workspace challenges? In this workshop, Lakeside Software and DWP will explore how to support employees with best possible digital experience, no matter where they work. We’ll discuss L1 Remote Support and moving 80,000 staff with very little tooling, the impact it’s had on the end user and the L1 Engineer. We will also discuss EUC performance and how DWP was able to measure, score and monitor device performance across it’s remote workers in 900 offices and the positive impacts that it had.
Public Sector organisations, large and small, now grapple with remote work productivity. Many find themselves at a crossroads: pursue a pre-pandemic way of doing things or take this opportunity to evaluate workflows and reduce employee’s efforts spent on mundane and repetitive tasks. Hear the learnings and three key takeaways from Nintex who provide process management and automation software solutions and have helped judge the awards in this category.
Government departments increasingly face pressure from citizens to deliver seamless digital interactions. And yet why are many still struggling to go fully digital? From Home Office and HMRC to Policing, Prison and Probation Services, it is crucial to have seamless back-office process and drive efficiencies at every touchpoint, and thus driving improved citizen experiences.
Join this session to find out how government departments are overcoming challenges stopping them to embrace digital and the extent to which they have digitally transformed.
Citizen & Patient services are significantly affected by the growing backlog caused by C-19, with polling consistently showing waiting times to the public are one of the most common reasons for dissatisfaction. How can digital technologies & smarter working help to reduce these backlogs, minimise face-to-face contact to protect customers and staff, and limit the risk of further infections. In this session we explore Smart Digital Records & Case Management in current healthcare settings, whilst sharing best practice that can be applied across the public sector:
Join Andrew Nelson and Leah Jones from the Government Property Agency for a deeper dive into how Covid-19 and the insights that we have gathered have impacted the design of the workplace. This session will also showcase the newly released Version 2 of the Government Workplace Design Guide.
Join a live panel of Smarter Working practitioners from different government departments who will cover their vision and approaches to smarter working implementation, the lessons learnt, the benefits of smarter working to their organisation, and more.
* Agenda is subject to change *
more details
NHS Digital had already made the strategic decision to move to hybrid working before the pandemic mainly driven by a move to a new office hub following consolidation of fragmented office space around their main base in Leeds. Hybrid working started before term had even been invented and caused a rethink of the entire end user compute model. Critical to success of the transition to working from home was a solid foundation of performant devices and infrastructure delivering great user experience and NHS Digital went to market to find a digital experience monitoring (DEM) solution to help them.
Join this session to hear how NHS Digital innovated and brought DEM into their armoury to enable the journey from entirely office based working, to home working and now somewhere between. We will explore the good and the bad on the journey and identify the learnings we can all use to speed up our own path to successful flexible hybrid work styles in your organisation.
Councils continue to face challenges with ever increasing demand and public expectations shifting to digital. Now more than ever, local authorities are looking for ways to increase productivity, maximise technology investments and deliver services more efficiently across areas like Social Care, Legal, Housing and Adult Education.
Join this session to find out more about the trends and challenges in Local & Regional Government and how councils can continue to drive productivity and collaboration in a hybrid working environment.
Supporting creative working environments where productivity is a shared responsibility for individuals, teams and organisations. Join Sara Edwards for an introduction to the final series of our playbooks: the Productivity and Creativity Playbook. Sara will be showcasing some of the practical tools that we can all use in our everyday ways of working and as an audience member, you will be one of the first to access the playbook - you can’t miss out!
The UK Civil Service has spent a number of years focusing on new and evolving working practices to ensure that it is ‘a great place to work’. In recognition of the impact of COVID and the civil service response we explore the history of smarter working, how it has helped us to mobilise ourselves and continue to deliver key public services and how we are linking it to wider civil service reform.
Covid-19 has created a massive change opportunity for office based working and we are all looking to understand how we apply our learnings from this situation to our future work and workplace models. Now, we are looking to re-imagine how, when and where we work and to understand the enablers that will be needed to support us. During this session we will discuss the impact Covid-19 has had to date and to explore how we can develop and support our ambitions going forward. What has worked well during this period, what behaviours do we need to embrace and what elements will be our building blocks for the future? In preparation, why not take a look at the Scottish Futures Trust workplace report which outlines the path for change post Covid-19 and are currently supporting many public sector organisations within Scotland to deliver ambitious workplace models for the future.
* Agenda is subject to change *
To attend the Smarter Working Live Virtual Conference, please complete the form below and you will be sent the details on how to join our online event.
The virtual conference is a free-to-attend event
* Agenda is subject to change *
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Please make your selections and complete this form to register for the days you wish to attend.
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What happens next?
You will shortly receive an email confirming your registration. Within 48 hours following, you will receive joining details for the different dates that you selected when registering. If you fail to receive these, please email our team on